Hair loss in men

    In 95% of cases, hair loss in men is related to genetic factors. Are you concerned about your hereditary predisposition? We can help you. It is possible to prevent and slow down hair loss in men due to baldness. Our certified trichologists are specialists in male hair loss and baldness cure. Don’t wait any longer to consult us!

    Homme consultant pour une calvitie naissante

    Causes of hair loss

    Hair loss in men generally begins in their mid-twenties and continues gradually as the years go by. By the age of 50, 60% of men are facing this problem. The earlier you act by consulting a professional and by adopting good hair hygiene, the longer you will keep your hair.. Prevention is the key!

    Male pattern baldness, also called male androgenetic alopecia, is generally linked to an increased level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This excess of male hormones clogs and suffocates hair follicles. This results in progressive hair loss.

    Apart from family history, which is an essential factor in the diagnosis, other causes may be considered: stress, nutritional deficiencies, as well as drug treatments, and also the use of scalp aggressive shampoos and products.

    You can rely on the Hair Health Center to offer you effective and efficient customized solutions to prevent, control and cover up baldness and hair loss.

    Homme qui consulte pour une greffe de cheveux

    The stages of male pattern baldness

    Research and observations show that hair loss due to baldness evolves in stages.

    • It usually begins on the forehead and temples.
    • It then progresses towards the back, and a hairless area forms at the top of the head, also called the vertex.
    • Gradually, the top of the head becomes completely smooth.
    • Eventually, only a crown of hair remains around the head.

    Baldness in men generally follows this pattern. However, the rate of progression from a bald spot to a full-blown baldness varies greatly from one person to another.

    Homme qui reçoit un traitement contre la perte de cheveux

    Hair loss solutions for men

    Dre Stephenson, directrice médicale du Centre Santé du Cheveu

    Under medical supervision

    Dr. Stephenson, medical director of the Hair Health Center, offers medical consultations for hair loss and supervises PRP treatments. Her empathetic approach, focused on the well-being of the patient, is appreciated by all. The cost for a consultation is $200.


    A consultation and hair analysis with a microcamera magnifying up to 200X will allow us to give you the best advice for your situation. Our hair clinic is IAT certified!

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    Hair laser – biostimulation

    The hair laser promotes blood circulation at the base of the hair follicles and natural hair growth. Treatments are offered at the center. You can also purchase your own laser in the form of a portable helmet and use it on a daily basis in the comfort of your home.

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    PRP hair treatment

    Alternating with treatments and products with a high percentage of active agents, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection treatment promotes hair growth and strengthens the hair.

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    Hair mesotherapy

    Micro-needling treatments of the scalp help nourish hair follicles and increase hair density.

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    Wigs for men

    Discreet and of high quality, our hair prostheses and wigs for men allow you to obtain a very natural look.

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    Hair replacement

    Hair replacement is a non-surgical, painless grafting procedure that effectively camouflages scalp and thinning hair.

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    Hair transplant

    Meet with our experts to verify your eligibility for a follicular micrograft or an FUE (hair transplant). The consultation takes place in our Rosemère office. Our team will prepare your scalp for the transplant and will follow up afterwards.

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    A hair analysis performed by certified trichologists will give you a quick analysis of your scalp



    Un homme heureux des résultats du traitement Alma TED pour les cheveux


    Alma TED





    Hair volumizers

    psoriasis cuir chevelu

    Itching and hair diseases

    Itching and capillary affections

    greffe cheveux


    Hair transplant

    perte de cheveux et traitement laser


    Laser treatment for hair loss

    traitement perte de cheveux


    Hair mesotherapy


