Demande de consultation (salon de coiffure) "(Required)" indicates required fields 1Let’s meet!2What can we do for you?3Your availability For whom are you consulting today?(Required) Myself Another person First name(Required) First name Last name(Required) Last name Phone(Required)Sex at birth(Required) Male Female How is your hair?(Required) Short Long Fine Thick Have you had your hair colored in the last 6 months?(Required) Chemical coloring (standard) Natural coloring No Have you ever had an allergic reaction to hair coloring?(Required) Yes No Select the desired service.(Required) Semi-Bio coloring Mineral coloring ( 97 % natural ) Plant-based coloring (100% natural) Wicking technique Sweeping Cutting and styling Styling Evening grooming If necessary, please provide any other relevant information. (optional) Which time slot suits you best?(Required) Weekday mornings Weekday evenings Saturday No preference CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.